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Access Control Systems for the Modern Business

Umbrella has 17 years experience in Commercial Electronic Door Access Control  Systems from anything to a small office, corporate headquarters, manufacturing facilities to universities and schools.  We design systems that protect your people,  places and data.  Contact us now for a free vulnerability assessment and Quote.


Our access control systems are easy to use and easier to manage.

Our access control systems are easy to use and easier to manage.

Our experts understand the hardware and software components of access control systems. The systems we design and install take into account your security needs and your facilities. How IT components such as LAN configuration and routers are set up, as well as the type of doors the building has, are important factors to consider in selecting an access control system.

Our access control systems are easy to use and easier to manage.

Customize unique access to specific areas of your facility based on the individual's profile.


Control event and alarm monitoring for your system.


Control threat level escalation and reporting from any mobile device.


Automatic system failover to preserve constant uptime.


Scalable from two to thousands of doors and hundreds of locations.


Works with existing proximity card readers, strikes, and magnetic locks.


Localized credentials kept on the proximity card reader in case of a power-outage.


Integration with fire alarm systems.

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Let's discuss your Security System

Keep your property, and your employees, safe.

Our access control system can work with your existing locks, reducing installation cost and limiting disruption to the workday. The system’s ability to customize access at the user level and intuitive management software that can be used on a desktop or mobile phone makes it veritable and easy to scale with your business. Most importantly, we can integrate access control systems with other security systems, allowing companies to identify where people are and act accordingly.

Cloud Management

Government grade AES encryption & data protection back-up.


Door hardware can be completely wireless

saving cable and installation cost.

Elevator Integration

Floor Control Authorization and complete relay integration.

Secure Dual Authentication

No pass back and fail secure capability.

Mobile Management

Manage day to day system functions from anywhere at any time-Remote lockdown or unlock door securely from your mobile device, create reports or even add a new credential.

Secure Credentials

Discretionary, Mandatory & Role-Based security personnel and Dial-Pad, Biometrics, key fob or clamshell cards are available.

Cloud Management

Cloud Management

Government grade AES encryption & data protection back-up.

Secure Dual Authentication

Secure Dual Authentication

No pass back and fail secure capability .



Door hardware can be completely wireless saving cable and installation cost.

Mobile Management

Mobile Management

Manage day to day system functions from anywhere at any time-Remote lockdown or unlock door securely from your mobile device, create reports or even add a new credential.

Rapid Forensic Search

Elevator Integration

Floor Control Authorization and complete relay integration.

Secure Credentials

Secure Credentials

Discretionary, Mandatory & Role-Based security personnel and Dial-Pad, Biometrics, key fob or clamshell cards are available.

Professional Design & Installation

✅ Local Service & Support

✅ Customized Solutions for your Application

✅ 1-Year Installation Warranty (3-Year Hardware)

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