1-630-270-3313   Serving Chicago & Surrounding Areas info@umbrellatech.co
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The Importance of Data Security in Healthcare

The Importance of Data Security in Healthcare

Data Security in Healthcare Facilities absolutely Needs to Be a Priority.   The cost of breached data is astronomical, with healthcare issues proving to be the most problematic of all. In 2018, 15 million patient records were compromised as seen by the healthcare...
Lock Down Your 2021 Security Budget

Lock Down Your 2021 Security Budget

Budgeting is everything!It is never too early to start thinking about what your security budget is going to look like for the following year. While it might feel like we just entered the year 2020, 2021 is right around the corner. You want to do everything possible to...
Retail Security Systems and Customer Loyalty

Retail Security Systems and Customer Loyalty

A business owner’s primary concern should be theft prevention.  According to a report by the National Association for Shoplifting Prevention, products worth more than $35 million are stolen from retail stores every day. This staggering fact should be more than...
Commercial Security Systems: 5 Steps to Prevent Burglaries

Commercial Security Systems: 5 Steps to Prevent Burglaries

As a business owner, you always want to be prepared when it comes to keeping everything you have worked so hard for out of harm’s way. Umbrella Security Systems strives to provide the most sophisticated commercial security systems to businesses big and small. These 5...
Business Door Access Control Systems for Entrepreneurs

Business Door Access Control Systems for Entrepreneurs

Thomas Carnevale, the Chief Operating Officer of Umbrella Security Systems, joins Enterprise Radio. Umbrella Security Systems is a Global Security Consulting firm focusing on Physical Security Technology serving Fortune 1000 Clients and Government Agencies for nearly...
Stadium Security Systems: Safety During Large Events

Stadium Security Systems: Safety During Large Events

While It May Seem Like a No-Brainer… You might be surprised by just how many people overlook the importance of a Stadium Security System while attending a sporting event, concert, or other large event held at a stadium. A Stadium Security System is absolutely...