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How To Choose The Best Security Systems Provider For Your Facility

How To Choose The Best Security Systems Provider For Your Facility

Before you Hire a Security Systems Provider – Think About This: Finding the right security systems provider should give you peace of mind and make you feel as though you are receiving top service for your dollar. This sounds daunting, but it doesn’t have to be....
8 Ways Access Control Systems for Schools can provide Security

8 Ways Access Control Systems for Schools can provide Security

Educational facilities require a secure learning environment. Implementing efficient education and school security systems is a top priority to ensure the safety of students, teachers, staff, and others within the school premises. This task requires a balance between...
Facial Recognition Surveillance: COVID-19 and Privacy

Facial Recognition Surveillance: COVID-19 and Privacy

These are strange times that we are living in. The COVID-19 outbreak has caused billions of people to begin covering their faces with surgical masks, ski masks, headbands, you name it. All of this talk about faces has risen the concern about privacy risks via facial...
Upgrading Your Business’s Access Control System

Upgrading Your Business’s Access Control System

You’ve made a wise decision by investing in access control for your business’s security system. So, you want to make sure that you are getting the best value out of your commercial security system, right? The best possible way to do this is by upgrading your...